
热烈庆祝奇客顾问成功申领了由中华人民共和国人力资源和社会保障局(MOHRSS)颁发的 《人力资源服务许可证》(证书编号:沪徐人社3101041022)。该证是人力资源服务机构设立的必要前提条件,主要用于规范人力资源服务和人力资源职介行业。 奇客顾问拥有专注在高科技行业的专业招聘团队,严谨且专业的猎头管理及服务流程。《人力资源服务许可证》的申领在办公场地面积,注册资金,办公设备条件方面都有一定的硬性要求。同时公司必须要有至少4个中介员和1个中介师的猎头服务人员。奇客顾问于今年年中开始准备申请材料,经过网上提交申请、人社局的审查以及人社部领导的亲临检查,历经一个多月的时间申请成功。奇客顾问已经拥有多位资深的人才中介师和经验丰富的人才中介员,而且我们的专业猎头队伍也在继续扩大。

Geeker Brochure 2014

Geeker Consulting is a leading executive and management recruitment organisation based in Shanghai, China. We operate across a range of functions and industry sectors, providing specialist expertise in each area. More specifically IT services, software, business intelligence, Big Data, mobile and internet. Our core values are the basis of all that we do. They have shaped our culture and define how we make decisions for our clients. Our reputation is based upon our ability to deliver outstanding results and exceptional levels of service in every aspect of our organisation.